Sunday 12 April 2015

Weird Tag!

Hey, well first I hope you all had a great Easter. I'm not christian so we don't really celebrate it but I still had  a great day meeting up with my family.I hope you did to even if you didn't celebrate it or hang out with any one its still an excuse to eat chocolate.

But today I thought I would do a tag so I tried to make up one (even though some one has probably already done it) so I thought because I am a bit of a weird person I would share them with you.

 First thing is that for some reason I will never write in pen. It's not that I don't have pens it's just because I hate writing in pen but I don't know why it's just weird. But because i'm still in school :( people/teachers ask why are you writing in pencil and just  like 'Oh I lost my pen' Or 'Sorry my pen ran out of ink'.

Second thing is kind of follows up the first one and it is that in my school you have to wear a blazer and because I write in pencil and i'm writing all day when my pencil gets blunt but i'm to shy / awkward to walk up to the front and sharpen it. So I end up sharpening it in my pocket which is fine until I need to wash my blazer so it  means that I have to pick all the tiny bits of pencil sharpening out of my pocket and its really annoying.

Third thing is i drink soooo (oooooooo) much water ( this one isn't that weird). But i drink so much water it really weird like i have a water bottle (like every one else) but by lunch time i  have drank all of it so i fill it up again and drink all of that. But then once i get home i drink about three glasses of water. It's really messed up but i guess it better than not drinking enough so I won't complain.
Thank you so much i reading I won't say any more just in case you think i'm a complete weirdo.

This has been A Snippet Of My Life xx

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